I am from Líl’wat Nation and the mountain that I see from my door is Ts’zil, Mount Currie, BC. I have spent many days learning from my Grandmother’s Adelina and Rosie. Both were amazing storytellers. They knew that culture would save me.
My Grandma Rosie always used her hands and arms while telling a story. She had great facial expressions. I loved to watch her actions. My Grandma Adelina would say things in stories that would embarrass you. She loved to get reactions from the people. To this day I do not say the things the way she would have said them.
My parents are Ha7ya, my father, ‘friend to all’ and Saopalaz, my mother, whose name means ‘utilizer’. My dad is a teacher, rancher and pro bull rider, and is also an amazing storyteller and a fluent Ucwalmícwts speaker. My mom knows plant medicine and makes crafts with cedar and leather. I’ve been blessed to learn from my family and my people. They started me on a path to be a healer of our people and a healer of the broken relationship we have with Canada. I am a lifelong learner and love to share my learning with others. I’m a storyteller, wool weaver, drum maker, carver, a maker of leather clothing, cedar clothing, cedar work, circle protocol and proud bannock maker.